PRT32 v1.0 fv74.7 Rev. A EN
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Green Green — The reader is in Installer Programming mode.
— —
Waiting for the user to enter the next part of the command or
programming function.
— —
A user identifier (Card/PIN) has been entered.
— Green —
The door lock is activated, this LED remains on as long as the door
is unlocked.
The reader is waiting for a user to enter his identifier once again.
— —
The reader has detected some problem (memory contents is
corrupted or the MASTER/INSTALLER cards are not programmed).
Installation guidelines
Any EM 125 kHz UNIQUE standard card can be programmed as a MASTER or
INSTALLER card, manufacturer of the reader does not supply the unit with any
When lost or stolen a new MASTER and INSTALLER cards can be reprogrammed
to a reader.
When the reader is configured for Online operation, the programming of MASTER
and INSTALLER users can be skipped.
A new factory delivered unit is configured for
RACS Online mode
with address
Disconnect power supply before making any electrical connections.
For installations on a metal surface, place a non-metallic min. 10 mm thick
spacer (a plastic/plaster plate etc.) between the reader and the supporting
For installations with two readers to be mounted on the opposite sides of the
same wall and aligned along the same geometrical axis, place a metal plate
between them and make sure none of them has direct contact with it (allow min.
10 mm space).
For best results mount the proximity readers at least 0.5 m apart.
With its relatively weak electromagnetic field generation, the reader should not
cause any harmful interference to operation of other equipment. However, its
card reading performance can be affected by other interference generating
devices, esp. radio waves emitting equipment or CRT computer monitors.
If card reading performance of the reader deteriorates (e.g. reduced reading
range or incorrect readings) consider reinstallation in a new location.
Always connect a general purpose silicon diode (e.g. 1N4007) in parallel to a
door lock. Connect diode close to the lock.