PRT32 v1.0 fv74.7 Rev. A EN
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W i e g a n d f o r m a t
When employing Wiegand transmission format, the card/PIN is transferred to the
host using sequences of pulses sent over the CLK and DTA lines. Depending on the
selected version of the transmission format, the PRT32 uses 26, 34, 42 or 66 bits to
transmit a data to the host unit. Card code is always transmitted as a whole
number, PINs can be transmitted as a hole number too or alternatively, each
pressed key can be transmitted separately (for more details regarding PIN
transmission formats see section: Setting Reader Operating Mode).
Note: For card and PIN codes which require more bits than the number of bits
available in the selected data transmission format, the PRT32 reader omits the
most significant bits of the code/PIN. As a result transmission from a reader is not
equal to a full code of presented card code or entered PIN.
In Wiegand format, a dual color LED STATUS
lights steady in red. The LED
SYSTEM along with buzzer are activated for a while each time a card is read or
PIN is entered. The LED OPEN is normally off, it becomes on when IN1 is
shorted with supply negative (GND), also when active, the LED OPEN is
accompanied by continues sound.
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M a g s t r i p e f o r m a t
When employing Magstripe transmission format, the card/PIN is transferred to the
host using electric signal waves transmitted over the CLK and DTA lines. The LED
indicators and the buzzer are controlled in the same manner as described for
Wiegand formats (see section above).
In Magstripe format, the PRT32 reader transmits a sequence of data bits
representing either a code of the presented card or digits of entered PIN. When
operating with Magstripe format, the reader stores all pressed keys in a buffer and
does not transmit them until the [#] key is pressed — a press of the [#] key is
treated as the end of the PIN code.