Chapter 7-9
Robomow City 120
7.4.1 Entry Points
Entry points are specific points on the perimeter, where Robomow leaves
the edge and turns into the lawn to mow the inner area.
Robomow is shipped with no ‘entry points’ set. For common shapes of
lawns there is NO need to set specific entry points.
If your lawn shape is “special”, you can turn the ‘Entry Points’ option
This will improve your mowed area coverage.
The Entry Points feature uses 3 default entry points: at the Base Station, at 30%
and at 60% of the Perimeter Wires length. Robomow uses these 3 entry points in
a cyclic order. You cannot set a specific entry point for a specific day.
If the default entry points are not suitable for your lawn, select the
Set entry points option. This way, you are able to set alternative entry
points and to appoint a scheduled day of your Weekly Program for
each of these points.
Select the Entry points option to open this option and to scroll through the
following sub-menus.