Example 2: View a signal delay caused by a circuit
This example is to test the input and output signals of a circuit and observe the
signal delay. First, set the probe and the channel attenuation to 10X and connect
CH1 probe to the input, CH2 to the output of the circuit.
Do these steps as follow:
1. Display the signals (CH1 and CH2):
1) Pressing the AUTO button
2) Adjust the vertical and the horizontal scale by turning the SCALE knobs to
appropriate ranges for display.
3) Press the CH1 button to select CH1, and turn the vertical POSITION knob to
adjust the vertical position of CH1’s waveform.
4) Press the CH2 button to select CH2, and turn the vertical POSITION knob to
adjust the vertical position of CH2’s waveform.
Measure the delay time when a signal going through the circuit
Auto-measuring the delay:
to set measurement source
Press Time
to select measurement Type
Press Time3/3 to select measurement page.
Press Delay1
2 to display the result on the screen.
Figure 3-1: Delay of the signals
Copyright 2004 Rigol Electronic
User Manual for DS5000 Series