.Using Vertical
You can use the vertical controls to display waveforms, adjust vertical scale and
position, and set input parameters.
1. Using vertical POSITION knob.
The vertical position of waveforms (including MATH and REF) can be changed by
moving them up or down on the display. To compare data, you can align a
waveform above another or you can align waveforms in superposition.
2. Using vertical SCALE knob.
The vertical scale of a waveform (including MATH and REF) can be changed. The
waveform display will contract or expand about the ground level.
If the Volts/Div is set to “Coarse”, the waveform scales in a 1-2-5 step sequence
from 2 mV to 5 V. If the Volts/Div is set to “Fine”, it scales to small steps
between the coarse settings.
When scaling MATH waveform, amplitude can be changed with the SCALE knob
in a 1-2-5 step from 0.1% to 1000%.
The FINE vertical control can be achieved by pressing the vertical SCALE knob.
3. Adjust the vertical position and scale only when the waveform is selected.
4. When you change the vertical position, the position message is displayed on the
left bottom of the screen.
Copyright 2004 Rigol Electronic
User Manual for DS5000 Series