Example 9: Pass/Fail Test
The Pass/Fail Test is one of enhanced special functions of DS5000 series. When
running test function the oscilloscope automatically examines the input signal,
Compare to the already built waveform mask. If the waveform “touches” the mask,
a “Fail” is occur, otherwise the test Pass. If oscilloscope has built in Pass/Fail output
module, it could output fail pulse signals (open collector output).
Do the steps as following:
1. Press UTILITY key to show the UTILITY menu.
2. Press Enable Test and select ON to open the test.
3. Press Load to recall the saved mask or press X Mask and Y Mask to adjust the
horizontal limit and vertical limit then press Create Mask to create a new mask.
4. Press Output to select the expected outputting waveforms.
5. Press Operate to start the test.
Copyright 2004 Rigol Electronic
User Manual for DS5000 Series