Stop acquisition
When acquisition stopped, the freeze waveform is displayed. It can be moved by
vertical horizontal control.
Key Points
Real-time Sampling:
DS5000 has Real-time sampling rate up to 1GSa/s. At the
timebase 20ns or faster, the oscilloscopes use the sine(x)/x interpolation to
expand the horizontal timebase.
Equivalent sampling:
Also be known as Repetitive sampling. In this mode, you
can get up to 20 ps of horizontal resolution (equivalent50Gsa/s). This mode is
good for observing repetitive signals, and it will not be available for single-shot or
Average Acquisition:
Apply averaging to your signal to remove uncorrelated
noise and improve measurement accuracy. Reduces random or uncorrelated noise
in the signal display. The averaged waveform is a running average over a
specified number of acquisitions from 2 to 256.
Analog acquisition:
The oscilloscope calculates a probability based on how
often a dot is lit on through out multiple acquisition, and displays the dot intensity
according to that probability, to make the waveform looks like an analog
oscilloscope display.
Peak Detect:
Peak Detect mode capture the maximum and minimum values of a
signal. Finds highest and lowest record points over many acquisitions.
Aliasing is the condition that oscilloscope acquire frequency is
lower than twice the max frequency of input signal. Anti-Aliasing prevents it. The
Anti-Aliasing function could detect the max signal frequency to avoid aliasing.
Copyright 2004 Rigol Electronic
User Manual for DS5000 Series