2 Change the trigger setup and notice these changes affects the status
bar differently.
Press MENU button in the trigger control area.
A soft button menu appears on the display showing the trigger setting choices.
Figure 1-13 displays this trigger menu.
Press the trigger type button and notice the differences between Edge
Video Pulse
Press the trigger Slope button to notice the differences between Rising
Edge and Falling Edge.
Press the trigger Source button to select trigger source choices.
Press the trigger Mode button to select these three trigger mode
Set the Coupling and
notice that they affect the waveform display
: The trigger type, slope and source change in conjunction with
the status bar on the top-right of the screen.
Figure 1-13
3 Press
This key is an action button. Every time you press the 50% button, the oscilloscope
sets the trigger level to the center of the signal.
4 Press
Press this button starts an acquisition regardless of an adequate trigger signal. This
button has no effect if the acquisition is already stopped.
Copyright 2004 Rigol Electronic
User Manual for DS5000 Series