To trigger the oscilloscope
Figure 1-12 is the trigger control area on the front panel, it have a trigger level knob
and three soft buttons. The following exercise guides you through these trigger
buttons, knobs, and status bar.
Figure 1-12
1 Turn the trigger Level knob and notice the changes it makes to the
On the DS5000 series oscilloscopes, as you turn the LEVEL knob or press the 50%
menu button, for a short time two things happen on the display. First, the trigger
level value is displayed at the bottom-left of the screen. If the trigger is DC coupled,
it is displayed as a voltage. If the trigger is AC coupled or LF reject, it is displayed as
a percentage of the trigger range. Second, a line is displayed showing the location of
the trigger level (as long as AC coupling or low frequency reject are not selected).
Copyright 2004 Rigol Electronic
User Manual for DS5000 Series