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Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
All Applied Parts and earthed (eg enclosure Class I) and non-earthed accessible
conductive parts or non-conductive accessible parts (enclosure Class II) are grouped
together and connected to earth via the 1kΩ Measuring Device (Body Model).
The EUT must be positioned floating to avoid secondary earth connections influencing
the measuring process.
Differential method
; The 1kΩ measuring device (equivalent to that used in the IEC
60601 standard
– see Appendix C) is positioned as part of a differential current
measurement between the Live and neutral conductor.
Measurements are done in both polarities of the incoming mains with the protective
earth to the EUT interrupted.
All Applied Parts and earthed (eg enclosure Class I) and non-earthed accessible
conductive parts or non-conductive accessible parts (enclosure Class II) are grouped
together and connected to earth to allow the Differential circuit to measure the total
leakage current.
Due to the Differential measuring method, potential secondary earth connections are
included in the total measurement and as such, the EUT doesn’t require to be
positioned isolated from earth.