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Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
2 Setting-up your tester
The Rigel 62353 Plus is designed to allow the user to customise the device to allow
default setting in order to speed up the testing such as, default lists of manufacturers,
model numbers, user test protocols, automatic printing following test, fault menu’s and
so on.
All custom facilities can be found under the SETUP menu. Simply press the
from the home screen and select Setup from the menu.
The underlined character acts as a short key to allow swift navigation
through the menu structure.
Available options
Test Sequences
Modify or create test sequences (see 2.1)
Asset Trace Variables
Generate default list of variables (see 2.2)
Systems Config
Configure default test options (see 2.3)
Change User
Setup users and preferences (see 2.4)
Restore Factory Settings
Defaults the tester to factory settings (see 2.5)
Identifies the equipment’s serial number, firmware
and hardware revisions. (see 2.6)
2.1 Test Sequences
The Rigel 62353 Plus can be set-up to create new test sequences to meet local
requirements or to modify existing test sequences to meet personal preference.
The preset Test Sequences are according to the applicable medical standard. Preset
test sequences cannot be changed by the user, however alterations are possible by
producing a copy of the default test sequence setting.