25 -
Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
2.4 Change User
This feature allows an operator to default to a different existing user or setup a new
Select a different user using the drop down menu or create a new user name by
pressing the
button (F1) .
2.5 Restore Factory Settings
The factory settings can be restored at any time using this function. Press
(F4). Select Setup followed by Restore Factory Settings.
All the settings provided within the Setup menu will default to Factory Settings including;
All Asset Trace Variables, Test Sequences, User Admin and System Config.
Warning: Restore Factory Settings cannot be undone and will remove all the
customised items described above.
All customised settings within Setup can be cloned to a PC. We advise that
this is done on a regular basis to ensure custom settings are saved for
back-up. See 5.3.4 for further details on Cloning.