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Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
3 Automatic Mode
The Automatic mode provides the user with the ability to run a preset test sequence and
store the data afterwards. The sequence can be run in both a full automatic or semi
automatic mode.
In full automatic mode, the Rigel 62353 Plus will step through the non powered tests
and once the powered tests (load and leakage tests) have started, all test conditions
including single fault conditions are executed automatically without the required
intervention of an operator.
See Application notes for suggestions when testing on isolated mains
supply or fixed installations.
The following procedures describe the setup and completion of an automatic test
sequence. The steps are applicable to all available test sequences. As example we
describe a typical automatic test to IEC 62353 Plus.
Upon power-up of the Rigel 62353 Plus (or when in the tester is in the main menu,
select AUTOM MODE), the following screen will appear: (the Asset Details screen)
Select the right criteria for the Satety Test from the Asset Details screen;
1. Enter the Asset ID number using the keypad (see 3.1)
2. Use the up, down, left and right keys to select the required Test Sequence
3. Select the Run Mode (Semi or Full Automatic) using the up, down, left and right
keys. (see 3.2)
4. Enter the required test period in months. (see 3.3)
5. Select the Applied Part Configuration (see 3.4)
6. Confirm and enter the Asset Trace Variables (see 3.5)