33 -
Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
Press the Green start key to start the earth continuity test.
Caution, never connect the Earth Bond Probe to voltages in excess of 30V
since this can cause damage to the equipment.
The earth bond test screen provides both a digital read-out as well as a bar-graph
indication. In addition, the test duration (top right corner), limit ([0.200 Ohms) and Tick
mark are provided to demonstrate the test has passed.
If the test fails, the failure menu will be displayed. See 4.1.2
Once the non-powered tests have been completed, the user is warned that the EUT is
about to be switched on.
– never leave the earth bond, or any other probe attached to any
moving parts.
– never touch the appliance under test whilst testing is in
progress. Doing so could result in injury due to electric shock and / or
sudden movement of any mechanical parts on the appliance.
Refer to Page 4 for notes on precautions required for compliance with the
relevant safety standards.
Do not exceed the maximum permitted voltage of 30 V AC/DC
with respect to earth potential! Electric Shock danger!