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Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
1.3 Key Features
Hand-held -
Using purpose designed robust enclosure, the Rigel 62353 Plus is truly
hand-held, easy to hold single handed thus enabling one hand operation and navigation
Easy to use -
A full graphic, monochrome LCD display (1/4 VGA minimum) in
combination with an integral alpha-numeric ABCD-key-board.
Manual and Automatic test modes -
Able to perform UTS (Unique Test Sequence)
and allows fully automatic, semi automatic and fully manual testing.
Versatile -
Test in Accordance with the leakage requirements of
IEC/EN 62353 as well as;
NFPA (USA version)
AS/NSZ 3551 (Australian / New Zealand version)
Dedicated measuring devices
are available according to IEC 60601 and AAMI
User definable test routines -
Users have the ability to amend the default programs or
create new programs by copying the preset test programs. Each program will have a
unique Identifier.
Multiple Applied Part function -
This feature gives the user the capability of testing up
to 2 individual Applied Parts from different Modules or classes e.g. BF and CF class, or
Bf ECG and Bf SPO2 module.
Internal Asset management facilities -
Store up to 10,000 test records, custom test
routines, visual inspections and performance tests and download to and from PC via
RS232 Interface.