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Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
From this menu, the user is able to create a new Test Sequence by pressing the
button (F1) .
When chosing Test
–None-, the Test Sequence will only be set to an Inspection. Refer
to 2.1.6 for further details.
When the text box is activated and text is entered, function keys F1
and F2
appear automatically. In this instance
‘CUSTOM TEST 2’ has been created as
Test Name, with Class I and to Test Standard IEC 62353 Plus.
To change to upper or lower case or use language specific charaters, press
button (F1) and select the required entry.
To Delete a character, press the
button (F2)
To return to the previous menu without changes, press the
button (F3)
To confirm the entry, press the
button (F4)