point and the words
Configuration Mismatch
). When the Pager1 is in Locate mode, a
flashing L appears in the upper right corner of the LCD screen and the LCD backlight
flashes. If the LCD screen displays
when you turn its selector knob, this indi-
cates that either the Pager1 has not been added to the HAL configuration's processing
map or it has been added but does not have any Scenarios assigned to it. If all is A-OK
with the Pager1, its status LEDs on the front of the device become active. In most cases
when first installing the product, the Ready light will turn green. For more details, see
"Pager1 RAD" on page 18.
DR LCD Screens:
When you first connect the DR, its LCD screen illuminates and displays a spinning wheel and
the text
. What you see next depends on what DR model you are connecting (we
are assuming you have loaded a configuration):
along with a level indicator appears. Turning the knob changes the level indi-
DR2: Depending on the configuration, the DR2 remains blank or displays a list of
options. If the DR2 controls are properly linked in the configuration, the DR2 should
always display options on its screen. If its controls are not linked, the screen may be
blank. If configured as a Selector, either the Selector options appear (if linked) or the
screen is blank (not linked). If configured as Toggle or Command controls, the Toggle
and/or Command options appear.
DR3: The DR3 behaves the same as a DR2, with a few exceptions. The DR3 always dis-
and a level indicator in its level control (unless it is configured as a List of
Levels and there are no levels configured). If configured as a List of Levels, the list is dis-
played (unless no list has been configured).
If the DR does not match the model configured on the HAL, a flashing exclamation
point appears on the LCD screen along with the words:
Configuration Mismatch
. For
more details, see "Task 7: Verify and Troubleshoot Installation" on page 36.
If you have not loaded a configuration into HAL, this mismatch behavior is
what you will see for each DR you install. Why? The HAL is not expecting a DR
on the port because none is configured, therefore it reports a configuration mis-
match. As soon as you load your configuration, the message will disappear (as long
as the configured model matches the physical model detected).
If a P flashes in the upper left corner, this indicates low power, which could be caused by
a cable that is too long or crimped incorrectly.
If the
Connecting ...
message and spinning wheel continue indefinitely, there is likely a
problem with the twisted pair responsible for data communications between the DR and
the HAL.
The intensity of the DR's LCD backlight is configurable in the Halogen Hardware
Workspace. Also configurable is the length of time that the screen stays lit. For details,
see the DR Properties reference topic in the Halogen Help System.
HAL LEDs for RADs and DRs:
Status information for each RAD and DR port on the HAL is displayed on the front and rear
panel of the HAL. As long as all four indicators on a RAD are green and as long as the DR is
CHAPTER 3: Installing Your HAL System