Software Component
Included in the HAL System is a software application, called Halogen, that you use to configure and
manage the entire system. Halogen contains two primary graphical workspaces, the Hardware Workspace
and the Processing Workspace, in which you simply drag and drop hardware components and processing
blocks to set up the audio system you want. You can work in online mode (connected to HAL) or off-
line mode (not connected to HAL or any other hardware). The ability to work in offline mode makes Hal-
ogen a powerful design tool available for use whether or not you have the hardware in hand. And not
only can you design your system without having hardware in place, you can also
your system
you install the hardware! Now that's powerful!
When working in online mode, changes made in the software are immediately implemented
and saved to HAL (with the exception of DSP changes that require a system recompile).
Below is a sample image of the Halogen Processing Workspace:
For more details on the Halogen software application, see "Introduction to the Halogen Software" on
page 40.
CHAPTER 1: Getting Started