RLX2-IHx Series ♦ 802.11a, b, g, n
RLX2-IHx Series Quick Setup
Industrial Hotspots
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 51 of 248
Replacing an Existing Radio
The RLX2-IHx series of industrial hotspots include a microSD card slot for quickly
moving the configuration from an installed radio to a replacement using a microSD card.
This feature reduces the time to replace a damaged radio.
If you are replacing an existing radio that had a Personality Module (microSD card)
installed, then you do not need to manually configure the new radio. Remove the
microSD card from the existing radio with the stored configuration and install it in the
new radio. When you power up the new RLX2-IHx series radio, the new radio uses all
the configuration settings from the microSD card. This feature eliminates the need to
manually configure the replacement radio.
By default, the RLX2-IHx series radios writes configuration changes to a microSD card
(Personality Module) whenever you make configuration changes if a microSD card is
present in the radio. The RLX2-
IHx series (by default) also reads the microSD card’s
configuration when it powers on and uses the stored configuration from the microSD
card if the configuration is different than the configuration in the radio's memory.
Important: While this feature can save you time when replacing a radio in the field, it is also a potential
security risk. The configuration stored on the microSD could be inserted into another radio, and the radio
could then access the network.
The file itself on the microSD card is encrypted so the configuration information
(principally the configuration password and encryption key) cannot be extracted. We
highly recommend that you physically secure the radio and the microSD card.
If you are not using the Personality Module feature, we recommend that you turn
off. See Personality Module Settings
(page 87).
Note: The RLX2-IHNF-W or WC radios do not have a microSD card slot (no Personality Module). For these
models, you must manually configure the replacement radio. See Configuring a Radio - Getting Started
Important: Before installing a new radio, please verify that all listed product items are present. See
Package Contents (page 19). If any of these components are missing, please contact ProSoft Technology
Support for replacements.