RLX2-IHx Series ♦ 802.11a, b, g, n
Appendix I - Compatibility with ProSoft RLXIB Series Radios
Industrial Hotspots
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 230 of 248
15 Appendix I - Compatibility with ProSoft RLXIB
Series Radios
The RLX2-IHx series radios are 100% functionally compatible with
ProSoft’s legacy
RLXIB-IHA, RLXIB-IHG, and RLXIB-IHW radio models. This allows customers with
RLXIB series radios to add RLX2-IHx series radios to their existing networks without any
reconfiguration of existing assets or problems with obsolescence. The main differences
in the RLX2-IHx series radios are the following improvements:
Different enclosure size for more efficient heat dissipation
Faster, more efficient electronics that consume less power
Gigabit Ethernet
MicroSD memory cards for configuration data storage
Internal temperature sensor
The RLX2-IHx series radios will acquire additional functionality as new firmware features
are added. These new features will not be added to the RLXIB radios, but the RLX2-IHx
series radios will continue to work with RLXIB radios using their existing functionality.
The RLX2-IHNF is an 802.11n device that does not have an RLXIB series equivalent. It
function as a Repeater or Master radio to ProSoft’s RLXIB-IHxN series radio
products. Specific differences by product are noted in the following table. Specifications
that have not changed between the RLXIB and RLX2-IHx series radio products are not