RLX2-IHx Series ♦ 802.11a, b, g, n
Industrial Hotspots
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 11 of 248
Using the IH Browser to Manage your Radios
Viewing the Radios in the IH Browser ........................................................... 122
Refreshing the Display in the IH Browser ...................................................... 123
Defining the Scan Parameters in the IH Browser .......................................... 123
Freezing the Display in the IH Browser ......................................................... 124
Changing IH Browser Columns in List View .................................................. 124
Switching between List and Topology Views ................................................. 124
Importing and Exporting IH Browser Data ..................................................... 130
Hiding the Toolbar and Status Bar in the IH Browser .................................... 130
Setting the Radio IP Address in the IH Browser ............................................ 133
Assigning a Temporary IP Address ............................................................... 133
Viewing Additional Data in the IH Browser .................................................... 134
Connecting to the Radio Configuration Interface........................................... 135
Viewing Network Data in the IH Browser ....................................................... 140
Viewing Wireless Clients in the IH Browser ................................................... 140
Viewing Ethernet Nodes in the IH Browser ................................................... 141
Viewing the Scan List in the IH Browser ........................................................ 142
Viewing the Port Table in the IH Browser ...................................................... 144
Viewing the Radio Event Log in the IH Browser ............................................ 145
Viewing Parent Radios in the IH Browser ...................................................... 147
Extracting Serial Logs from RLX2-IHx Radios ............................................... 148
Hiding the Foreign AP Detection window ...................................................... 178
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
Resetting the RLX2-IHNF-W and RLX2-IHNF-WC to Defaults ..................... 181
Unable to scan for AP's error message ......................................................... 182
Appendix A - Adding a Radio to RSLogix 5000
Adding the Radio to RSLogix 5000 ............................................................... 184