RLX2-IHx Series ♦ 802.11a, b, g, n
Configuring a Radio - Detailed Configuration
Industrial Hotspots
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 83 of 248
4.4.2 Roam Control Settings
You use the parameters in the
group to specify the roaming wireless
communication parameters of a RLX2-IHx series Repeater radio.
Note: Different versions of the RLX2-IHx series radios and firmware support different functions. There may
be fewer or more parameters on this page.
In roaming applications, a mobile platform equipped with an RLX2-IHx series Repeater
radio roams from one Master radio’s coverage area to another radio's coverage area. By
default, a Repeater radio roams automatically by calculating the cost for each roam
candidate based only on RSSI and hop count. A lower cost determines when a better
Parent radio candidate is present.
The RLX2-IHx series radio uses parts of the Fast Transition (FT) standard to reduce the
time it takes to roam. An FT Roam will be used if the Repeater radio, the current Parent
radio, and the next Parent radio all have FT enabled. You can disable
which results in normal non-FT Roaming.
Independent to the type of Roaming, there are several limitations when the RLX2-IHx
series radios are operating in autonomous roam mode that you can overcome by using
Parent Assisted Roaming.
Given that the current RLX2-IHx series radio only has one radio module, all Master
radios, by necessity, have to be on the same channel to allow the roaming Repeater
radios to detect them.