RLX2-IHx Series ♦ 802.11a, b, g, n
Using the IH Browser to Manage your Radios
Industrial Hotspots
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 134 of 248
The IH Browser suggests the network parameters for the temporary IP address. It
queries the IP addresses, and displays them if it does not receive a response. Click
one of the unused IP's, or enter an unused IP address, and click
. The IH
Browser warns you that the IP address is temporary.
and refresh the display in the IH Browser. Your radio should now appear in
the IH Browser window with the temporary IP address.
To set a permanent IP address for the radio, see
Configuring a Radio - Getting
(page 38).
Viewing Additional Data in the IH Browser
Start the IH Brower (see Starting the IH Browser (page 21)). If the radio is powered up
and connected, it appears in the IH Browser. Note that the
address is the same
address as that of the label on the radio. The
view (shown in the image below)
displays the RLX2-IHx series radios (or previous generation RLXIB radios, except the
RLCIB-IHN) on the same network as the computer running the IH Browser.
Note: You can perform many common tasks by right-clicking on the radio and choosing a command.