RLX2-IHx Series ♦ 802.11a, b, g, n
Glossary of Terms
Industrial Hotspots
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
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Data communications equipment. A modem, for example.
Decibel (dB)
A measure of the ratio between two signal levels; used to express gain (or loss) in a
Default Gateway
The IP address of a network router where data is sent if the destination IP address is
outside the local subnet. The gateway is the device that routes the traffic from the local
area network to other networks such as the Internet.
Device-to-Device Network (Peer-to-Peer Network)
Two or more devices that connect using wireless network devices without the use of a
centralized wireless access point. Also known as a peer-to-peer network.
DFS stands for
Dynamic Frequency Selection
, a requirement for operation on certain
frequencies in the 5 GHz band in many countries. When a radio operates on a DFS
frequency, it must sense the presence of radar and automatically change to another
channel if radar is detected.
The dynamic host configuration protocol is an Internet protocol, similar to BootP, for
automating the configuration of computers that use TCP/IP. DHCP can be used to
automatically assign IP addresses, to deliver IP stack configuration parameters, such as
the subnet mask and default router, and to provide other configuration information, such
as the addresses for printer, time, and news servers.
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
A modulation mechanism that spreads the signal for a wide band, allowing reception
even for overlapping data signals. 802.11b uses DSSS modulation.
Directional Antenna
Transmits and receives radio waves in a single direction.
Diversity Antenna
An antenna system that uses multiple antennas to reduce interference and maximize
reception and transmission quality.
Data Terminal Equipment
, for example, a computer or terminal.
Dual Band
A device that is capable of operating in two frequency bands. On a wireless network,
dual-band devices are capable of operating in both the 2.4 GHz (802.11b/g) and 5 GHz
(802.11a) bands.
Extensible Authentication Protocol
. A protocol that provides an authentication framework
for both wireless and wired Ethernet enterprise networks.