RLX2-IHx Series ♦ 802.11a, b, g, n
Appendix G - Antenna Configuration
Industrial Hotspots
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 221 of 248
13.1.4 Antenna Polarity
Antenna polarization
refers to the direction in which the electromagnetic field lines point
as energy radiates away from the antenna. In general, the polarization is elliptical. The
simplest and most common form of this elliptical polarization is a straight line, or
An antenna only receives the portion of the transmitted power that has the same
polarization as the receiving antenna polarization. For example:
If the transmitting antenna polarization is in the vertical direction (vertical
polarization), and the receiving antenna also has vertical polarization, the maximum
amount of power possible is received.
On the other hand, if the transmit antenna has vertical polarization and the receiving
antenna has horizontal polarization, no power should be received. If the two
antennas have linear polarizations oriented at 45° to each other, only half of the
possible maximum power is received.