Electronic malfunctions
Possible consequence: Material damage or even
irreparable damage to the instrument.
– Do not route the mains connection cable and
data cable together with cables that are prone
to interference.
– Measure: Take appropriate interference sup‐
pression measures.
Correct and proper use
Damage to the product or its surroundings.
– The instrument is not intended for measuring
or regulating gaseous or solid media.
– Only use the instrument in accordance with the
technical data and specifications provided in
these operating instructions and in the oper‐
ating instructions for the individual compo‐
Correct sensor operation
Damage to the product or its surroundings.
– Correct measurement and control is only pos‐
sible if the sensor is working perfectly.
– Check and calibrate the sensor regularly
2.2 Correct and proper use
Correct and proper use
The device is designed to measure the turbidity of
The unit may only be used in accordance with the
technical details and specifications provided in this
operating manual and in the operating manuals for
the individual components (such as, for example,
controllers, sensors, fittings, calibration devices,
metering pumps, etc.).
Any other uses or modifications are prohibited.
Safety and responsibility