Promega Corporation · 2800 Woods Hollow Road · Madison, WI 53711-5399 USA · Toll Free in USA 800-356-9526 · 608-274-4330 · Fax 608-277-2516
TM397 · Revised 12/16
6.B. Common Problems
Causes and Comments
Injectors sputter or drip
Reagent buildup in injector lines. Run the flushing
protocol (Section 4.B).
Injector speed may not be optimal for the viscosity of the
solutions used.
Injectors not injecting
No reagent in injector lines. Confirm that the inlet tubing is
inserted into the bottom of the reagent container.
Reprime the injectors. (Section 4.B).
Injector tubing is clogged and may need to be replaced.
(Section 5.F)
Plate stuck or jammed in instrument
or press
in Settings or press
in the Tools menu (Section 3.E). Any of these
methods can be use to attempt to recover the plate. If the
issue is not resolved, contact Promega Technical
Services (
Tablet PC touch screen does not appear to be working 1. Verify the plug is securely connected to the Tablet PC.
2. Verify that the instrument is plugged into the USB
port on the Tablet PC.
3. Restart the Tablet PC, and launch the GloMax
Discover software.
4. If the issue is not resolved, contact Promega Technical
Services (
Power failure during run
In the event of a power failure, turn OFF the instrument
and the Tablet PC. When power is resumed, turn the
instrument and Tablet PC back ON. The results that were
generated during the run (before the power failure) will be
Instrument problem: “door opened”
1. Instrument door was opened during a run,
message: explanation
causing the reading to abort. Restart the run.
2. Something prevented the instrument door from
fully closing as the Multiwell Plate Sample Tray
was retracting. Check the instrument door for
any obstructions.
Luminescent signal is reported as SAT
The luminescent output of the sample is saturating the
1. Use less sample.
2. Use a black plate.