Advanced Settings
Under Advanced Settings, y
value by
to adjust values
Auto Aspect
There are several video aspect ratio adjustments in
order to change picture size using the remote
key. PHD
intelligent ways to control aspect ratio with the Auto Aspect
feature. The
If “ON” is selected, every time you change the channel, PHD
will detect video resolution source and automatically determine the
proper aspect setting. For example, if tuned to
VRX2 will set it to “Normal” video a
channel, PHD
If “OFF” is selected, the Aspect setting still keeps the same as the
previous setting no matter which channel it is tuned to. User can
change it manually by pressing the
desired mode if needed.
View Mode
You can change the video aspect from this option.
There are Normal, Full Screen, Panoramic, Zoom1,
Zoom2, 4:3, and Direct modes to choose from. This is
done the same way as using
settings based on different inputs
will reset all the picture settings to the original
default values.
HDMI Output Resolution
Besides of setting output resolution fro
key, you can also change output resolution
from this menu option.
Advanced Settings
Under Advanced Settings, y
value by highlighting this
to adjust values.
Auto Aspect
There are several video aspect ratio adjustments in
order to change picture size using the remote
key. PHD-VRX2
intelligent ways to control aspect ratio with the Auto Aspect
feature. The default value is ON.
“ON” is selected, every time you change the channel, PHD
will detect video resolution source and automatically determine the
proper aspect setting. For example, if tuned to
will set it to “Normal” video a
channel, PHD-VRX2 will set it to “4:3”
If “OFF” is selected, the Aspect setting still keeps the same as the
previous setting no matter which channel it is tuned to. User can
change it manually by pressing the
desired mode if needed.
View Mode
You can change the video aspect from this option.
There are Normal, Full Screen, Panoramic, Zoom1,
Zoom2, 4:3, and Direct modes to choose from. This is
done the same way as using
VRX2 can individually
based on different inputs
reset all the picture settings to the original
default values.
HDMI Output Resolution
Besides of setting output resolution fro
key, you can also change output resolution
from this menu option.
Navigating the On
Under Advanced Settings, you can control
highlighting this option and us
There are several video aspect ratio adjustments in
order to change picture size using the remote
VRX2 also provides additional
intelligent ways to control aspect ratio with the Auto Aspect
default value is ON.
“ON” is selected, every time you change the channel, PHD
will detect video resolution source and automatically determine the
proper aspect setting. For example, if tuned to
will set it to “Normal” video a
will set it to “4:3”
If “OFF” is selected, the Aspect setting still keeps the same as the
previous setting no matter which channel it is tuned to. User can
change it manually by pressing the
desired mode if needed.
You can change the video aspect from this option.
There are Normal, Full Screen, Panoramic, Zoom1,
Zoom2, 4:3, and Direct modes to choose from. This is
done the same way as using
can individually set picture and audio
based on different inputs. Select this option
reset all the picture settings to the original
HDMI Output Resolution
Besides of setting output resolution fro
key, you can also change output resolution
from this menu option.
Navigating the On
ou can control
option and us
There are several video aspect ratio adjustments in
order to change picture size using the remote
also provides additional
intelligent ways to control aspect ratio with the Auto Aspect
“ON” is selected, every time you change the channel, PHD
will detect video resolution source and automatically determine the
proper aspect setting. For example, if tuned to a
will set it to “Normal” video aspect. If tuned to
will set it to “4:3” automatically.
If “OFF” is selected, the Aspect setting still keeps the same as the
previous setting no matter which channel it is tuned to. User can
remote key to select
You can change the video aspect from this option.
There are Normal, Full Screen, Panoramic, Zoom1,
Zoom2, 4:3, and Direct modes to choose from. This is
remote key.
set picture and audio
. Select this option
reset all the picture settings to the original
Besides of setting output resolution from remote
key, you can also change output resolution
Navigating the On-Screen Menus
option and using
There are several video aspect ratio adjustments in
also provides additional
intelligent ways to control aspect ratio with the Auto Aspect
“ON” is selected, every time you change the channel, PHD-VRX2
will detect video resolution source and automatically determine the
a HD channel, PHD
spect. If tuned to a SD (480p)
If “OFF” is selected, the Aspect setting still keeps the same as the
previous setting no matter which channel it is tuned to. User can
remote key to select
You can change the video aspect from this option.
There are Normal, Full Screen, Panoramic, Zoom1,
Zoom2, 4:3, and Direct modes to choose from. This is
set picture and audio
. Select this option
reset all the picture settings to the original
m remote
key, you can also change output resolution
Screen Menus
will detect video resolution source and automatically determine the
HD channel, PHD-
SD (480p)
If “OFF” is selected, the Aspect setting still keeps the same as the
previous setting no matter which channel it is tuned to. User can
remote key to select
Screen Menus
Page 22