. .
This implementation is used to provide a popular format od data exchange between the devices in
the network. Modbus enables communication between up to
devices connected to the same
network. Each SLAVE device has its unique address. The MG
address is set via the switch on
the rear panel (details in chapter . . ). It identi ies unequivocally the device during communica-
tion over the RTU Modbus protocol. During communication with the device through the Ethernet
(Modbus TCP) network its IP address is the unique address.
The data register map is unique for the MG device and its de inition is given in the tables starting
from . . .
The data transmission protocol describes the rules and structure of the messages used by all the
devices in the data exchange network. This protocol determines also the sequence of data exchange,
error detection and de ines that in serial networks only the Master device can initiate transmission,
and in Ethernet networks any device may send commands, but this is usually done by the Master
device. It enables creating a single- or multi-branch network structure. These two types of network
are presented in ig. . .
Figure . : Modbus RTU network structures model
• Each Slave device in the network has its unique address (see chapter . . ).
• The MG device supports subset of Modbus codes.
• Refer through “parameter address” to the MG parameters.
• Sending queries with the device unique address results in response only of the device from
this address. Then the Slave device will check errors, execute the required task, and send a
response with its own address, data and correct checksum.
• Address ” ” of the device is a special case. It used for messages send to all the Slave devices
and is used only for writing.
• Sending a query with the device address = “ ” activates broadcast communication. This means
that the information will be received by all the devices in the network. Each of them will ex-
ecute the requested action, but not send a response.
User manual rev.