M : Copy summary: Error when copying a translation ile.
Copying the translation ile failed.
M : Copy summary: Error: Copying log ile timeout.
Copying the log ile took too long, the copying process was interrupted.
M : Copy summary: Error: Copying translation ile timeout.
Copying the translation ile took too long, the copying process was interrupted.
M : Copy summary: Error: No space left on USB.
Copying Log ile failed due to lack of suf icient space on the USB. Free some space and then
copy Log ile again.
M : Copy Summary: Error: No space left on device.
Disk space on the SDHC reached a critical level. Delete videos in order to free up space.
M : Copy summary: File successful copied.
Copying process was performed successfully.
M : Copy summary: Log ile has been copied.
Copying Log ile completed successfully.
M : Copy summary: No usb found.
Message informing about absence of USB, which could occur for example if the usb drive is
removed during copying procedure.
M : Translation ile has been copied.
Translation ile copy process ran correctly.
M : DHCP client couldn’t obtain IP address.
Attempt to obtain an IP address from the DHCP server failed. Check the device connection to
the network and the status of DHCP server.
M : New language has been selected. You must reboot device to make changes. Pro-
After selecting one of the available languages, you must reboot the device to apply the changes.
M : Parameters has been loaded.
Process of reading the stored device settings ran correctly.
M : Probably PG
is not connected.
This message may appear during PG
calibration, when the calibration fails. It can result
damaged vacuum gauge
disconnected vacuum gauge
broken cable
the calibration conditions are not ful illed
Analog IO card measurement channel error
M : Unable degasing. Vacuum gauge does not support degasing.
Selected gauge does not support degas functionality.
M : Unable degasing. Vacuum gauge failure.
Input signal is out of measurement range. Possible solutions to this problem are shown be-
User manual rev.