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Quick Start & Troubleshooting Guide
2. The telephone line may already be in use.
Free the telephone line before you dial a modem connection. You cannot phone and connect to the Internet
at the same time if both your telephone and your modem use the same line.
3. There is no dial tone
a. Disconnect your modem and plug in a telephone to check the integrity of your telephone line. If
you can hear a normal dialling tone on the phone, then your modem or cable may be defective.
b. Check that the dial type is correctly set-up for your country. Click on ‘Start’
> Control Panel >
Phone and Modem Options. Select the Dialing Rules tab and click on the Edit button.
4. The modem is used by another program ("COM port in use" error message).
You may have a telephone or fax program running; These use the modem and make it unavailable for other
a. Close all programs that might use the modem (e.g. your telephone or fax software).
b. Restart the computer. This will reset all connections.
5. The modem does not work at all.
Smart Restore
to easily reset and reinstall the faulty drivers (see page 52).
You are using DSL or cable connection
1. Your DSL connection has not been activated.
Your ISP must contact your local telephone operator to activate DSL access on your line. This may take
several weeks. To enquire about your connection, please contact your ISP.
2. Your DSL modem is not picking up the line.
a. Check all cable connections (e.g., plugs, sockets, filters).
b. Disconnect your modem and plug in a telephone to check the integrity of your telephone line. If
you can hear a normal dialling tone on the phone, then your modem or cable may be defective.
3. Your modem is defective.
Check the status lights on your modem and refer to manufacturer's documentation. If the problem persists
and the connection has been previously working, then contact your ISP.
When Surfing the Internet, You Get an Error Message
1. You are not connected.
a. Look at the lower right part of the Notification Area.
b. If you cannot see the two small computers
, right click on the Task Bar at the bot-
tom of your screen and choose Properties, click on
the Notification Area tab, place a tick in the box in
front of Network.
2. A connection to the remote site cannot be established.
Try again later or check with your ISP whether the service
is available.
3. A pop up message warns you that the page contains errors (e.g. ‘the page contains javascript errors’).
Simply click on OK to close the message window.
1. Telephone cable
2. Telephone socket
3. Modem plug and cable
4. PC Modem port