4. Now enter the WiFi network details that the controller should connect to.
• SSID – the network name of the required WiFi network (ensure this matches
• PSK – the password for the network (leave blank if open network
The SSID & PSK can only contain upper and lower case letters, numbers and the
following characters only: $ ! _ - + / * \ { } [ ] @ : ; , . ?
There cannot be any spaces or any other characters other than those shown above.
If the existing WiFi network name (SSID) does contain spaces or special characters
other than those above then the name of this network will need to be changed in order
to be able to configure the controller to connect.
Security type
• Open – select for open un-secured networks (leave PSK blank)
• WEP – for Wired Equivalent Privacy secured networks – (an older outdated standard)
• Wpa & Wpa2 Personal - WiFi Protected Access – (common standard used on most
secured networks – choose this if unsure)
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