How to Prepare the Printer for Idle Periods
Do not turn off the printer during these idle times
15 to 30 minutes
• Turn off lamps
30 minutes to 24
• Turn off lamps
• Turn off ink heater
24 to 72 hours
• Turn off lamps
• Perform printhead maintenance when the ink tem-
perature is at least 40° Centigrade (104° Fahrenheit)
• Swab print heads
• Turn off ink heater
• If the Automatic printer warm-up was set in Printer
Settings, turn it off
3 to 14 days
• Turn off lamps
• Perform printhead maintenance when the ink tem-
perature is at least 40° Centigrade (104° Fahrenheit)
• Swab printheads
• Turn off ink heater
• If the Automatic printer warm-up was set in Printer
Settings, turn it off
• Remove or rewind any media from the RMO
Longer than 14 days
• Contact your local service representative if you
need to prepare the printer for longer term storage
How to Prepare the Printer for Idle Periods
Chapter 5 - How to Operate Your Océ Arizona Printer
User Manual: Arizona (AZ) 440 GT, AZ 440 XT, AZ 460 GT, AZ 460 XT, AZ 480 GT, AZ 480 XT - Rev. B, 4/2013