Components of the Print Job Control Module
Job Control Panels
1) Job and Print-
er Status
Displays the status and progress of print jobs.
2) Printer Mes-
sages Panel
Displays the last four lines of the log - click in this area
to see more of the log.
3) Pause/Re-
sume and the
Ink System Sta-
To the right is the print job Pause/Resume button and
the Ink System Status icon - click to view an ink status
4) Command
Toolbar left
Displays icons for actions related to the print jobs and
control of the printer.
5) Command
Toolbar right
Displays icons for ink temperature, lamp control, start
print jobs, and print a nozzle check.
6) Active Jobs
Displays a list of all Active print jobs.
7) Job Place-
ment Preview
Displays the selected print job with a preview that
shows the placement of that job on the printer.
8) Inactive Jobs
Displays a list of all Inactive print jobs.
9) Job Informa-
tion and Param-
eters panel.
This panel shows the parameters of the currently se-
lected print job and also allows changes to the param-
eters associated with that job.
10) Interface
Use these tabs to select the different modules of the
printer user interface.
11) Software
Version Number
and Image Up-
load Progress
Displays the current installed version of the printer
The image upload progress panel indicates the name
of a print job that is currently uploading to the printer.
This panel is not always visible and appears only
when an image is loading to the printer. It is located
below the software version number when it is active.
Job Control Components Explained
1) Job and Printer Status Panel
Print Job Control Module
Chapter 4 - How to Navigate the User Interface
User Manual: Arizona (AZ) 440 GT, AZ 440 XT, AZ 460 GT, AZ 460 XT, AZ 480 GT, AZ 480 XT - Rev. B, 4/2013