that offer paint and supplies. It is best to attach a Tack Cloth to a flat object
and let it lightly rest on the media while it is wiped.
[119] Tack cloth and cleaning wand
Electrostatic Cleaning Devices can be used with a Tack Cloth attached to
wipe the surface and will reduce static charges that attract more dust. The
long handle allows access to the media across the entire printer table. Lint
Free Cloths can also be used.
Note: we recommend that you fasten the tack cloth to the cleaning wand,
as shown above. It is easier to apply even pressure with this method.
When you use the tack cloth by hand it tends to leave an uneven swath
path on the media you are cleaning. Also, it is important to clean the
whole area of the table as the carriage will pass over more of the entire
table than the area where the media is located.
How to Get Good Results With Varnish
Chapter 9 - How to Work With White Ink and Varnish
User Manual: Arizona (AZ) 440 GT, AZ 440 XT, AZ 460 GT, AZ 460 XT, AZ 480 GT, AZ 480 XT - Rev. B, 4/2013