Section 3
General information and safety regulations
General information
The entire documentation relating to the machine/parly
completed machinery has been produced considering the
topics indicated by the machinery directive 2006/42/EC,
by the PED directive 2014/68/EU and by other safety
regulations (see dedicated paragraph).
The depiction or description relating to the configuration
of some parts of the machine/partly completed machinery
may present differences between the manual and the
actual machine/partly completed machinery; that is, there
may be optional equipment. Therefore, some indications
and procedures are of a general nature.
Unlisted drawings and photographs are used for better
clarity and are provided as an example.
Failure to follow the instructions contained in this manual
may render the safety conditions foreseen in the design
phase inefficient and cause accidents for those who work
with the machine/partly completed machinery.
For the design of the machine/partly completed
machinery, respectively, the unibody blast chiller and the
chilling cabinets, the principles and concepts relating to
the harmonised standards indicated in table 1 have been
followed and adopted.
Reference standards
The information contained in this chapter refers
only and exclusively to the BLAST CHILLER and, if
necessary, must be supplemented with the informa-
tion relating to the safety regulations of the plant/-
facility where the BLAST CHILLER is used.