Configuration of the
parameters not carried
out correctly alarm.
- Communication missing
between electronic
thermostat valve controller
- Check the integrity of the
connections between device
and electronic thermostat
- Check address of
electronic thermostat valve
Address 1: EEV Controller 1
Address 2: EEV Controller 2
- Contact the Supplier.
- Controller Block
of the electronic thermostatic
valve valve.
Compressor Protection
- Intervention of the thermal
protections of the
due to excessive
of the electrical motor.
- Consider a marked decrease
of the MOP threshold.
- Check operation
of condensing part fans.
- Clean the condenser
if necessary.
- Check the amount
of refrigerant.
- Contact the Supplier.
- Immediate condenser unit
block, resulting
in general alarm generation
of the chamber or condenser
and impossibility
to start a cycle.
- If the cycle is in progress this
remains active until
the compressor protection
alarm is restored. Generated
also general alarm
for cycle in progress.
- If there is an external
network connection,
send an email alert.
Condenser Unit
High Pressure Alarm.
- High temperatures of the
refrigerant fluid returning
to the compressor.
- Lack of refrigerant fluid
supply in the suction nline.
- Condenser dirty.
- Condenser fan malfunction.
- Check the integrity of the
condensing part.
- Check correct
operation of the fans
- Immediate condenser unit
block, resulting
in general alarm generation
of the chamber or condenser
unit and impossibility
to start a cycle.
- If the cycle is in progress this
remains active until
the compressor protection
alarm is restored.
Generated also general
alarm for cycle in progress.
- If there is an external
network connection,
send an email alert.
Condenser Unit
Low Pressure
- Electronic thermostat
valve not working.
- Electronic thermostat
valve unstable.
- Ice covering the evaporator.
- Chamber fans malfunction.
- Check the integrity of the
evaporating part.
- Check correct
operation of the electronic
thermostat valve.
- Perform a defrost if
the evaporator is
covered in ice.
- Immediate condenser unit
block, resulting
in alarm generation
of the chamber or condenser
and impossibility
to start a cycle.
- If the cycle is in progress this
remains active until the
compressor protection alarm
is restored. General alarm
also triggered
for cycle in progress.
- If there is an external
network connection,
send an email alert.
Section 5
Instructions for use
of the EEV operating
system Alarm.
- Failure to update
the operating system
of the electronic thermostat
valve controller.
- Upgrade the software
of the electronic thermostatic
- Contact the Supplier.
- Controller Block
of the electronic thermostatic
Possible cause
Possible solution