Chapter 3: Featuring Configuration
– Web UI
Featuring Configuration
– Web UI
NGSM48T2 User Manual | 152
Indicates the ID of this particular VLAN.
Indicates the name of the VLAN. Maximum length of the VLAN Name String is 32.
VLAN Name can only contain alphabets or numbers. VLAN name should contain
atleast one alphabet. VLAN name can be edited for the existing VLAN entries or it
can be added to the new entries.
Port Members
A row of check boxes for each port is displayed for each VLAN ID.
To include a port in a VLAN, check the box as
To include a port in a forbidden port list, check the box as shown
To remove or exclude the port from the VLAN, make sure the box is unchecked.
By default, no ports are members, and for every new VLAN entry all boxes are
Adding a New VLAN
Click to add a new VLAN ID. An empty row is added to the table, and the VLAN can
be configured as needed. Legal values for a VLAN ID are 1 through 4095.
The VLAN is enabled when you click on "Save".A VLAN without any port members
will be deleted when you click "Save".