Underflow Orifice Assembly
Some units will have a few components that will mount off of the main reclaim unit
a) Enzyme Systems:
For models ending in -5MB, the enzyme feed tank will set
on the floor close to the reclaim unit and must be connected to the enzyme feed
pump mounted on the reclaim unit frame. The feed tank is supplied with a
spigot and tubing which connects directly to the inlet of the feed pump. Tubing
and a plumbing kit with instructions is shipped with the system.
Wall Mount Ozone Systems:
For certain models ending in -5M12O and -
5M24O, the oxygen concentrator and the ozone generator are installed on a
wall mount panel. If possible, locate the wall mount panel close to the reclaim
unit frame and on the right hand side (when facing the front). The Teflon tubing
supplied between the ozone generator and the Mazzei eductor on the
recirculation line must be connected. Ensure that the tubing has a minimal
amount of bends (not pinched) and is sealed tightly on the fittings.
II. Reclaim Tanks:
PurWater does not supply the underground reclaim tanks. These are typically pre-
cast concrete vaults that are sourced locally. However, we do recommend that the
tanks follow the following design parameters to ensure a successful operation.
Location Considerations for Reclaim Tanks:
1) Locate the Reclaim Tanks close to the Equipment Room to minimize the
length of suction pipe run to the Reclaim Unit.
2) Locate the Reclaim Tanks so that bends & elbows are minimized on the
suction piping.
3) Keep the piping below the reclaim pump inlet.
4) For ozone units, the Reclaim Tanks should be located outside the Wash Bay
and Equipment Room in an area that is well ventilated.
The following drawings show the recommended internal lay-out for the reclaim