1. Bundled Software for the Server
Express5800/R320g-E4, R320g-M4 Installation Guide (VMware)
Chapter 2 Installing Bundled Software
Install NEC ESMPRO Agent
Connect to the ESXi host from Host Client to configure.
1. Set ft control software install DVD in the DVD drive of the machine connected to ESXi host from Web
2. Connected to the ESXi host from Web Browser, select ftSys Management Appliance from [Virtual
Machines] of Navigator, select [Launch remote console] of [Console] tab, the remote console (VMRC) is
3. Select [VMRC] menu of the remote console screen, select [Removable Devices] - [CD/DVDdrive x] -
[x.Connect to x], and connect ft control software install DVD to the set DVD drive.
4. Log in to ftSys Management Appliance as a root user.
5. Mount ft control software Install DVD. When /mnt/cdrom directory exists, the making of the directory is
unnecessary by mkdir command.
# mkdir /mnt/cdrom
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
6. Run the following command to change the directory that contains NEC ESMPRO Agent.
# cd /mnt/cdrom/NEC/esmpro-sa/
7. Run the following command to install NEC ESMPRO Agent.
# rpm -ivh Esmpro-*
8. Run the following command to change setting of ESMstrg.
# systemctl disable ESMstrg
9. Running the following command displays the messages as shown below.
# cd /opt/nec/esmpro_sa/tools
# ./sethwinf
Enter the number and set the system information.
1. Product Name:
2. Product Manufacturer: Other
3. Chassis Type:
s. Save and quit
q. Quit without save
Please input your selection (1 to 3, s, q):
1. Product Name: NEC Express5800/R320g-M4
2. Product Manufacturer: NEC
3. Chassis Type: Rack
10. Change directory, and unmount ft control software Install DVD.
# cd /
# umount /mnt/cdrom
11. Press the <Ctrl>+<Alt> keys to release the mouse, select [VMRC] menu of the remote console screen,
select [Removable Devices] - [CD/DVDdrive x] - [Disconnect x:], and then take ft control software Install
DVD out from the DVD drive.
12. Restart ftSys Management Appliance.
# reboot