1. Setup Procedure
Installation Guide (VMware)
Chapter 1 Installing Operating System
10. The remote console screen of the ft management appliance starts up.
11. To specify a time zone:
Log into the “login” prompt screen for the ft management appliance with "User: root, Password: (*1)",
and set the time zone appropriate to customer’s environment. (*1: The initial password is "ftServer".)
# timedatectl set-timezone <location>/<city>
(ex.) America/Phoenix
# timedatectl set-timezone America/Phoenix
Check the setting details as shown below.
# timedatectl
Time zone: America/Phoenix (MST, -0700)
If the appropriate time zone is not the one shown above, please check the time zone using the following
# timedatectl list-timezones
12. To change the initial password:
Log into the “login” prompt screen for the ft management appliance with “User: root, Password: (*2)”,
and change the password as required by the following command. (*2: The initial password is “ftServer”.)
# passwd root