NCast Presentation Recorder Reference Manual
6.10.4.Trash Can Size
The Trash Can size specifies how much of the disk may be used to store trashed (deleted or removed)
files. If the trashed files exceed the spec then the oldest ones are removed until the trash limit is reached.
Trash cleanup is normally done just prior to the start of a new recording.
6.10.5.Disk Threshold
These settings are for Event messages. They may trigger mail to the system administrator that the disk
needs cleanup. They do not directly contribute to file cleanup or removal. They are simply warning trigger
6.10.6.Remove Archives Automatically
The Remove Archives Automatically checkbox will cause unconditional and unquestioned removal of
archives as space is needed. This policy should be used with caution and assumes that it's better to
throw away old recordings (without asking or knowledge of the administrator) than to stop a new
recording because of lack of available disk space. A new large or runaway recording could delete the
entire contents of the Archive disk with this item checked.
NCast Corporation
Revision 1.0
Page 69