NCast Presentation Recorder Reference Manual
The Upload information is specified on a Channel basis. Since each Channel has its own unique target
information, different target locations may be accessed by starting or using different Channels.
For example, if the Session starting at 9:00 am needs to be uploaded to Dept. A's server, and the
Session starting at 10:00 am needs to be uploaded to Dept. B's server, this is easily accomplished by
specifying different target sites in the Channel Table. Or if some uploads go to a local, on-campus server
and if other uploads go to a remote CDN server, the Channel Table settings may be used to differentiate
the upload repository for each different recording.
Information about what Channel was used to record an archive is retained with the archive. If later, from
the Archives page, a new upload or re-upload is requested, the system extracts current target settings
from the Channel Table entry and uses that target information to upload the recording. Thus, the “Upload
All Archives” operation may result in the transfer of existing archives to many different target sites.
4.10.7.File Transfer Protocol
Select “File Transfer Protocol” and fill in the required fields.
4.10.8.Upload XML File
The XML file is a metadata file containing everything the recorder knows about the frecording. It can be
used for automatic indexing and processing of the file. Keep this checked unless the XML is not used
and does not need to be uploaded.
4.10.9. Upload Kaltura Drop Folder XML
When using file transfer to a Kaltura drop folder this option creates an XML descriptor file formatted to
Kaltura requirements to properly index and ingest the video.
Set Server
Enter the IP address or DNS name of the server
Set Port Number
Enter the server port number for the protocol in use.
Enable Anonymous Login
NCast Corporation
Revision 1.0
Page 40