Mountain Models Tantrum
Glue the canopy mounts on the inside of the fuselage side, using the cutouts next to
the F2 and F3 bulkheads.
Make sure you glue these pieces on the side that should
open; the other side will be a hinge. The hinge is going to be done later, when we go
through how to attach the canopy.
Covering the Tantrum
Determine what material you’ll use to cover, we recommend using Solite covering
material since it is extremely lightweight and won’t crush the fragile balsa when
Following your covering material instructions, cover the pieces in this order:
Do not shrink the covering until both sides of each part are covered. This
reduces your chances of twisting the surfaces.
Tail Feathers:
Bottom and then top of the horizontal stabilizer. You don’t want to cover the
center where it will attach to the fuselage.
Bottom and then top of the elevators
Entire Vertical stabilizer, except for the bottom where it attaches to the
Entire Rudder
Canopy mount
in the fuselage