Mountain Models Tantrum
Assembly Instructions
Okay, so now you are ready to actually build the Tantrum. If you follow these simple
instructions, we can have you flying in no time!
The Entire Process Demystified
Step 1: Prepare your workspace for assembly.
Step 2: Assemble the stabilizers, rudder, and elevator.
Step 3: Assemble the ailerons.
Step 4: Assemble the wings.
Step 5: Assemble the fuselage.
Step 6: Assemble the landing gear.
Step 7: Sand, attach the canopy mounts, and cover all your pieces.
Step 8: Install the elevator and rudder servos
Step 9: Attach the control horns
Step 10: Attach the elevator, stabilizers, and the rudder.
Step 11: Install the aileron servos.
Step 12: Install the motor.
Step 13: Attach the wings.
Step 14: Attach the electronics.
Step 15: Finish the kit up with the canopy, batteries, throws, center of gravity, and the
landing gear.
Final Step: On a calm day, find a field without too many trees or light poles and go fly.
Trees and light poles REALLY like to munch on remote
control planes. We say this from experience…trust us.
Step 1: Preparing Your Workspace for Assembly
Before you begin assembling the Tantrum, you must prepare your workspace.
Making space in what is probably the most crowded place in your home
Lay out the plans on a flat worktable, and then tape them down.
Cover the plans with a sheet of wax paper. This will protect the plans from glue.
Step 2: Assembling the Stabilizers, Rudder, and Elevator
The first things that you are going to assemble are the stabilizers, rudder, and elevator.
When assembled, these are also known as the tail feathers.
Necessary Pieces
1- 1/8" laser cut balsa sheet (Figure A)
1- 1/8" round x 2.75" hardwood dowel (Bagged Part)