Mountain Models Tantrum
Step 10: Attaching the Elevator, Stabilizers, and the Rudder
For this step, you are going to attach the elevator, the horizontal stabilizer, the vertical
stabilizer and the rudder to the fuselage. When you are done, you will have a finished
tail feather section!
Attaching the Elevator and the Horizontal Stabilizer
Insert the elevator through the slot at the back of the fuselage. You have to attach the
elevator before the horizontal stabilizer or you will NEVER be able to fit it into position.
Slide the horizontal stabilizer into place using the same slot as the elevator, making
sure that it is forward of the elevator, and that it is perfectly centered and square to
the centerline of the fuselage.
You can check that the horizontal stabilizer is perfectly centered by
measuring the distance from the outermost point of the horizontal
stabilizer trailing edge to the rear of the fuselage on both sides; the
numbers should match.
Attaching the Vertical Stabilizer
Sand the front of the bottom of the vertical stabilizer so that it fits on the top sheeting,
and is flush with the bulkhead stringer.
Run a bead of thick CA along the top of the bulkhead stringer where the covering was
removed, and position the vertical stabilizer, making sure that the rear of the stabilizer
lines up with the rear of the fuselage and that it’s perpendicular to the elevator.
Horizontal stabilizer