Mountain Models Tantrum
Slide one wheel onto each end of the landing gear wire, over the top of the aluminum
tubes, attaching them on the outside with one of the internal star washers.
You will be attaching the landing gear assembly later,
after you have covered and completed the kit.
Step 7: Sanding, Attaching the Canopy Mounts, and Covering
The next step is to sand the pieces that need to be sanded, attach the canopy mounts to
the fuselage, and cover everything.
We aren't going to go into how to cover the pieces
themselves, you’re going to have to refer to your covering’s instructions for this
information. Additionally, we aren't going to cover our kit for instructional purposes,
since the covering hides too much.
Sanding the Tantrum
What we recommend:
200 grit sandpaper for sanding
What to Sand
This is a fairly small chore for the Tantrum, apparently the air prefers sharp edges to
rounded ones, so we aren't going to round any of the pieces. Mind you, by sharp edges
we don't mean pokey bits, you ARE going to have to sand those, we just mean non-
rounded bits.
The only things that you need to sand, since you did the bevels previously, are listed in
the following table.
What piece
What to sand
Sand the wing root and tip ribs to make sure that the stringers and
leading edge are flush with the face of the ribs.
Lightly sand the connection bits from where the pieces were
attached to the balsa sheets.
Lightly sand the spar caps so that they match the profile of the wing
Make sure that there are no sharp edges that could tear your
covering while you are shrinking it. This CAN and WILL ruin your
day if it happens, ‘cause it never seems to happen until you are
almost completely done, and then you have to start over …or maybe
that's just Murphy's Law…
Lightly sand the connection bits from where the pieces were
attached to the balsa sheets.
Make sure there are no sharp corners, and lightly sand any sharp
edges off of all the pieces. Be really careful not to over-sand, you
just want to remove the edges, you don’t really want to remove the
Aluminum tube
on wire