Mountain Models Tantrum
Before You Begin
Before you begin building your Tantrum make sure you read and understand all of the
instructions thoroughly.
Additionally, you will need to have the following items. Check to make sure that all of
your parts are there and in good shape, and review a couple quick building tips to make
this whole process go quicker and easier.
What You Will Need
Smooth and flat work surface
Wax paper to protect the plans
Thin and thick Cyanoacrylate (CA) glue
Hobby knife with #11 blades
Needle nose pliers
Wire cutters
Sanding block with 200 grit sandpaper
triangle or small square to true the bulkheads and fuselage
Covering material
Sealing iron for applying the covering
Clear packing tape for hinges
5 channel computer radio with aileron/flap mixing, or a 4 channel radio with a Y
cable for the two aileron servos
4 or 5 channel receiver
GWS EPS300C-D motor with a 12x6 propeller
4 micro servos (we recommend either the Hitec HS55s or the GWS Picos)
Electronic Speed Control (ESC) capable of handling at least 10 amps
Battery pack (we recommend you use at least the following):
8 cell 600 mAH NiCd (configured
8 cell 950 mAH KAN NiMH (configured
Parts List
The following tables list all of the pieces that are in your Tantrum kit.
Description of Parts
Figure A:
1/8" laser cut balsa sheet