Use the procedure below to inspect the vacuum tank at least once a month
and clean it if necessary.
This is not necessary if the unit is not equipped with a vacuum tank or an
air vacuum.
(1)Open the door of Basin Unit.
(2)Turn the tank to free it from its holder. Turn the tank to the left until the
tab on the holder comes free and then pull the tank down to take it off.
(3)Check whether the tank needs cleaning. If it does, go to step (4) below
and clean it. If it doesn’t skip to step (9) below.
(4)Disconnect the drain tube from the bottom of the tank.
Press on the tabs on the clamp to open it and then pull the tube off.
Watch out for water running out of the tube if it is tilted
(5)Wash the tank out with running water.
(6)Wash the valve plate with running water. Loosen the butter fly nut on the
bottom of the tank and take off the connector for the drain tube.
Wash the front and back of the plate and around it.
(7)Reconnect the drain tube in its original position. Clamp it securely in
(8)Replace the tank on its holder. First line up the tank and its holder and
then rotate the tank to the right until the tab on the side of the holder is
in the “tight” position.
(9)Close the door.
Operate the vacuum to ensure it works correctly.
Once a Month
7. Vacuum Tank Inspection and Cleaning
After cleaning ensure the vacuum tank and its flexible drain tube are cor-
rectly and securely installed and connected.
>>Otherwise, the performance of the vacuum syringe or saliva ejector could deterio-
rate, these instruments could malfunction or their lines could get plugged up.
[6]Maintenance 7.
< Vacuum Tank Assembly >
(Tank Holder)
Valve Plate
Bottom of
Vacuum Tank
(Drain Tube)