(3)Manual Cup Filling Switch
<Panel B>
Press this to fill cups manually.
Water flows only while this switch is being held down.
If all the instruments have been put away, the Spray
switch on the dentist’s side can be used in the same
Check that a cup is in place. Otherwise, water may spill
and splash around the area.
(4)Operating Light ON/OFF Switch*
<Panel B>
Press this switch to turn the light on and off.
For details, refer to [5] 3. (5) of this manual.
(5)Flushing Switch*
<Panel B>
This only works if the unit is equipped with a flushing device.**
Press this switch to flush the water inside the unit out through the main
For details, refer to [5] 7. (1) 3) of this manual.
(6)Vacuum Tank Auto-cleaning Switch
<Panel B>
This only works if the unit has this function.**
Press this switch to automatically clean the vacuum tank.
For details, refer to [5] 7. (1) 4) of this manual.
(7)Vacuum Syringe Switch
<Panel B>
Use this switch to turn the vacuum syringe on and off after it has been
taken out of its holder. Use it to temporarily turn the syringe off.
If the syringe is put away when it has been turned off
using this switch, it will turn on normally when it is taken
out again.
Not functional if the unit is not equipped with the specified function.
(Dentist’s side)
[5]Operation 4.